How did you feel listening to The Circle?


Appalled usually isn’t the best word to describe how one feels while listening to a book, but that’s what ended up happening while I listened to Dave Eggers The Circle. I was appalled but in a way that caused emotion and a fear of our very own realities. At times, 2016 doesn’t seem to far off from the world created in The Circle.

We freely and voluntarily share so much of our lives: it started with Facebook updates, factual information shared through tweets, then beautiful imagery of our lives with Instagram, and now up-to-date commentary of our daily lives with Snapchat. Much of the world pays for their lives through everything with Paypal, uses Google to find and create most their content, and tracks their activity levels with Fitbit type devices. The technological utopia that May experiences in The Circle might just become our own realistic dystopia if we are not cautiously careful.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for technology. But if it happens in this cultish way similar to The Circle, I will be very, very scared! The Circle to me was a great forewarning shouting be aware of how much you share and allow to be governed by your tech. I noticed as I was listening to the book that I didn’t check my social media accounts quite so much; rather, I turned on my headset to continue listening.

Dave Eggers, you’ve created a stupendous book one I highly recommend reading or listening to. We could all use a bit of a warning in the form of a reality check in my honest opinion.

PS Make sure to read the book before the movie comes out in 2017!

PPS What was interesting about Dave Eggers and this book is I was not able to find a website for him nor a Twitter account. Let me know if you know where he’s to be found other than his bio….