I’m looking for something different to read…any recommendations?

This book, in the 25th Anniversary Edition, definitely looks interesting.  First, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy falls under two interesting genres: it’s both sci-fi and humor.  The plot is quite difficult to condense.  Basically, earth is about to be destroyed, but the main character, Arthur Dent, is saved before this happens by a strange friend named Ford Perfect.  What ensues is their crazy adventure through the galaxy.  According to a writer on Teen Ink, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy provides nonstop humor and entertainment for the mature (and sometimes immature) reader. Adams captivates readers with his zany writing style and keeps them coming back for more.”

What makes this edition so special, are the graphics, photos, and informational sidebars that accompany the actual novel.  It’s like visual and textual nonfiction mixed in with entertaining fiction which makes for a stunning book.