Do you know of any helpful sites for learning about Melvil Dewey and the Dewey Decimal System?

Melvil Dewey is the famous father of the Dewey Decimal System! Below are some links pertinent to certain areas of knowing Mr. Dewey.

Mr. Dewey was Warhol-ized on

Mr. Dewey was Warhol-ized on

If you want to learn about Melvil Dewey’s life, this is an excellent link provided by Kristen Patschke.  The information here is clearly layed out and easy to follow.  Also, by linking on this Wikipedia entry for Melvil Dewey, you can find authoritative information–this is based on the extensive reference list found for this entry.

The actual Dewey Decimal System has been owned by the OCLC since 1988.  Because they now own the system, there’s some very interesting information to be found about Melvil Dewey and his system.  Again, Wikipedia offers a clear explanation of the system under the “design” section.

Basically, the system categorizes information into ten areas.  For the simplest layout of the ten broad areas go here, and to see an even more detailed breakdown of the subjects found in the Dewey Decimal system go here.