I’d like a summer project. Can you give me one?

For the summer, the Elementary Library at the International School of Beijing is promoting two different Summer Reading Projects. For the lower elementary, we’re asking students to make Story Sacks out of their favorite books. Then in August, when their favorite books get checked out, the new readers have a little treat to accompany the read. In the upper elementary, we’re asking the students to create a visual representation of their favorite books.  Again in August, we plan to run this student generated slideshow on our new, large, library screen.  Both projects are not limited to lower or upper school students. An upper elementary student may create a Story Sack and vice versa for lower elementary students if they’d like to make a visual representation.  Mainly, the focus, is to share your favorite summer reads when we return in August!

Click on the following links for the project details:

Summer Reading Project for LES

Summer Reading Project for UES