Who is Skinny?

SkinnySkinny is that inner voice inside of each one of us (often times a meaner voice in women than in men) telling us to doubt ourselves. Donna Cooner does an amazing job of portraying this not so nice voice in her novel aptly called Skinny. At times, I was so sick of Skinny, yet at all times I knew I also have a voice that sometimes causes me doubt. But, and it’s an important but, we do not need to listen to that berating voice inside of us. Instead we can seek confidence and search for self esteem . It can be hard–especially for someone who is obese like the main character in Skinny, but it is altogether possible. It’s just up to us to combat the doubt and maintain a larger voice of self love. This book was a treat as it reminded me to indeed love myself for who and what I am–no matter what.